Saturday, 17 March 2012

Terms & Condition policy Of Roatra Corporation,

rule 1(a)
Terms & Condition policy Of Roatra Corporation, W.E.F 1st jan 2012

Dear all
I/ we hereby added the new rate list for the transportation charges , and changes in company policy as below

1 ) the rate in the bill is Fixed no changes in rate , So please discuss before hire the vehicle , otherwise no right to deduction in amount

2)we are not responsible for unloading on site , unloading charges are not paid by us . it’s the duty of supplier , broker , site or godown owner , the driver or transporter no haves any right for unloading

3) weight charges , of loading and unloading is not paid by the driver / transporter , it’s the duty of the

4)weight tolerance +- 5 kg pmt, i.e. 50kg in 10M.T.lorry , and 100kg in 20M.T. trailor ,

5) the driver and transporter is not responsible for any type of section weight , if its is necessary on site
Please sent 2 responsible person for loading , count the bundle and pices front of driver in factory ,
after that mentioned in challan with sign of driver ,

6)Company no accept any claim if weight confirm on weight bridge  , Or vehicle leave from the site or
warehouse , or if the loaded goods is used by the party .

7) No credit policy , payment must paid within  3-7 days 15 days maximum for regular parties , other
parties same day payment i.e. 3day

8) if any deduction in bill amount immediate issue the reason of deduction , otherwise deducted
amount added in next bill

9)Do not load any illegal material Banned by State Or central Govt. If the party has forced for the
loading,     The party is responsible for that

10)detention charged charged if  the vehicle hire more than 24hrs , 1500/- in Truck , 3000/- in Trailor

11)please sent proper Delivery challan , Delivery order , before 1 day from the date of loading

12) payment more than 15 days intrest charged 10% p.a. on bill amount

13) company haves right to recover policy, as per company rule

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